Monday, February 1, 2016

Not a good ending.......

Megan has been diagnosed with EoE. She has been dealing with severe GI issues for some time now and last week a scope revealed damage to her esophagus and stomach due to EoE. Biopsy results confirmed EoE. After graduating from peanut desensitization, Megan began having issues with maintaining proper maintenance dosage of daily peanut. Over the years we have had to continually decrease the amount of peanut until we were at 1/2 of a peanut for daily dosing. Maintenance is 8 peanuts. As of today Megan will stop peanut and unfortunately go back to her prior anaphylactic state. Megan has a great deal of anxiety. Life will change again. I will continue to update on how she progresses. At this time Dr. Wasserman is uncertain how long it will take for her body to revert back to her full anaphylactic state. Being that her peanut numbers are still quite high and she was only doing 1/2 of a peanut I am sure it will not be long. Time will tell............

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